Brian Cantor Las Vegas |Facts That Nobody Told You About Use Animation To Advertise

 Brian Cantor Las Vegas the famous children’s IP creator shares some key points about animation work.


The importance of visualization cannot be overemphasized in this technology-driven world. Video advertisements obviously make a deeper impact on the target customers than the printed or audio ads. But TV commercials have their own limitations that include huge costs, more time, and of course more effort. But there are so many companies that have started using animation as advertising. It not only gets the message across effectively, it stays in people's minds for a long time. Animation has become a commonly used means for advertising as it has many benefits. If you are on the lookout for ideas to advertise your product or service, do think about the following reasons to consider animation:

1. Less cost

Commercial TV ads have many elements. Apart from paying a heavy sum to obtain TV space, you also have to pay the actors and director as well as the rest of the team involved in behind-the-scenes activities. You could save a lot of money by producing animated advertisements as that saves you the cost of hiring actors. All you need is a small team of animators who have pursued animation courses and can create independent animations.

2. Less time and effort

In case of non-animated videos, apart from the days you invest to complete the production, post-production too will take a lot of your time that your team could be using on the core activities of the company.

3. More creativity and control

When making an animated commercial, you can be as creative as you want. While humans have limitations, your animated characters don't. You could make them as scary, funny, or cute as you want them to be. Through the modern animation tools, you could bring the characters of your imagination come alive.

4. The character

If the first ad receives a good response from the public, you could use the same character in the future advertisements as well. This way the character can become a household name and will always be associated to your brand or company.

5. Other reasons

Unlike other actors, your animated character will not grow in age. You could either use the same character or reinvent it even after many years. Also, you would not have to worry about finding the right location when creating animated commercials. You could recreate any city, any country and use it successfully for your commercial.

But for the commercial to be a hit, you have to create relatable animations.

For more information and daily basis animation work tips keep following Brian Cantor Las Vegas.



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